Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Staff Bad Weather Make-up Days Update

After careful consideration of all options, the Mansfield Independent School District will permit all employees to work 15 minutes longer each day beginning Tuesday, February 22 and ending Friday, June 3 to make-up the bad weather days that were not built into the District calendar
  • This will allow all employees to make-up the time without requiring the use of leave, the use of Presidents Day (February 21) or Spring Holiday (April 22).
  • If there are extenuating circumstances such as daycare issues or other commitments, supervisors have the flexibility to work with those individuals to make-up the time before the workday begins or through individual proposals.
  • If an employee would rather use his/her available leave days and not work the extra 15 minutes each day – that is an option and should to be noted in the comment section of the Absence from Duty Form.
  • The student day will not be extended 15 minutes and daily schedules will not change. The District will ask for a waiver for 3 of the 5 days of instruction missed due to school closure.
  • As stated on our District calendar, days 1 and 2 of the bad weather days missed will be made up on May 30 and June 3.
  • Teachers last instructional day will be Friday, June 3 and the teacher workday will be Monday, June 6.  Teachers are not required to work on June 7 and 8 as previously communicated.
  • Employees who work more than a 187 day contract will begin summer hours as scheduled on Monday, June 6.  

1 comment:

  1. Why is the teacher workday not Saturday, June 4 to allow for families to start their summer break on June 5th.?
