Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Principals' Fitness Challenge 2 Winner

Congratulations to principal Elizabeth Hostin and her staff from Martha Reid Elementary for winning the second challenge in the Methodist Mansfield Medical Center's Principals' Fitness Challenge.

Challenge 2 was entitled, Rethink your drink . . . Reduce your soda intake

Hostin and the school's staff successfully completed Challenge Two by replacing their sodas with unsweetened tea and implementing an iced water hydration station donated by the schools' PTA. Encouragement also came from Mary Costa, Martha Reid Elementary School's health mentor (she just completed her first Ironman®), who motivated everyone to get moving.

From the challenge: "Regular soda adds empty calories. Some research also indicates that drinks with artificial sweeteners (i.e. diet soda) may increase cravings and lead to higher daily calorie intake.

Instead of sugary drinks and diet soda, try water every day and add a slice of lemon or lime, or even fresh mint to your water for a boost of flavor. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger and could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80 percent of sufferers. Lack of water is the number one trigger of daytime fatigue. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily will hydrate your body. Thirst is sometimes mistaken as hunger!"

Check out the challenges as they're posted and get some additional tips for healthy living.

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