Friday, January 28, 2011

Principals' Fitness Challenge 5 Winner

Congratulations to principal Dr. Tammy Rountree and her staff from Cora Spencer Elementary for winning the fifth challenge in the Methodist Mansfield Medical Center's Principals' Fitness Challenge.

Challenge 5 was entitled, Fitness on the go. Dr. Rountree and her staff discovered creative ways to incorporate physical activity into their day, and every bit of effort really added up.

From the challenge: "Your day is filled with opportunities to get moving. Make every minute count. Every bit of physical activity makes a difference, even if it's just a matter of walking a little further while running an errand. When you need to talk to a co-worker, walk to their office or desk rather than e-mailing or calling them. Stand, don't sit! Standing up burns more calories than sitting. When walking to and from work – or at any time in your day – walk briskly."

Easy ideas to try:
  1. Park in the furthest parking spot from your school (or from a business on the weekends)
  2. Grab a partner and take a full lap around the outside of your school (or an equivalent distance on the weekend)
  3. Park in the furthest parking spot from any business you go to (may substitute an extra lap around your school if you don't plan on running any errands after work)
What would you add? What are some easy ideas for fitness on the go?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Elementary teacher is a real Ironman

We love hearing about cool staff news like this from Reid Elementary:

"One of our 4th grade teachers, Mary Costa (pictured at right) is now an official Ironman. She completed the Ironman at Panama Beach in Florida on Saturday, November 6, 2010. In order to be an Ironman, you must complete the entire race in under 17 hours. She completed it in 13 hours and 41 minutes. The first part of the race was a 2.4 mile ocean swim, the second part was a 112 mile bike race and the last part was the marathon run of 26.2 miles. There were 3000 participants in the race and she finished 1663. In her division of women ages 40 – 44 she finished 64th.

Mary has completed 28 marathons over the years. She completed 12 triathlons this past year to prepare herself for the Ironman.

The faculty and students at Martha Reid supported her and encouraged her as she was preparing and she said that knowing they were all thinking about her helped her get through it when it got tough."

Thanks to Reid Elementary for sharing the news.

If you have any interesting staff stories, share them with Communications via our News Tip form or call 817-299-6345 or just e-mail info[at]

Friday, January 14, 2011

Principals' Fitness Challenge 4 Winner

Congratulations to principal Chuck Roe and his staff from Janet Brockett Elementary for winning the fourth challenge in the Methodist Mansfield Medical Center's Principals' Fitness Challenge.

Challenge 4 was entitled, Eating smart for busy people.

Mr. Roe successfully motivated his 63 teachers to eat smarter by providing healthy snacks, offering ongoing encouragement, and fostering teamwork.

From the Challenge:
"Eating smart for busy people. Small changes can add up to long term weight loss.
  1. Start everyday with a healthy breakfast — whole grains, fruit or protein — within 2 hours of waking up 
  2. Eat a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack of fruit and/or protein
  3. No fried food
Make the most of your snacks. If carefully chosen, snacks can fill in nutritional gaps and boost energy without causing weight gain worries.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Principals' Fitness Challenge 3 Winner

Congratulations to principal Christie Alfred and the staff from Worley Middle School for winning the third challenge in the Methodist Mansfield Medical Center's Principals' Fitness Challenge.

Challenge 3 was entitled, Move a little, lose a lot.

Alfred motivated her staff by appointing team leaders who encouraged teachers to participate in the challenge, sending friendly reminders to keep moving and deeming Wednesday “jeans day” — all in the spirit of fun, healthy competition.

Christie Alfred’s leadership abilities extend well beyond the Principals’ Fitness Challenge. She was recently promoted to Frontier High School/Ben Barber Career Tech Academy.

Make physical activity a regular part of your day. Choose activities that you enjoy and can do regularly.

Check out the challenges as they're posted and get some additional tips for healthy living.

Go Red for Mansfield ISD (T-shirt)

MISD will support the American Heart Association through a Go Red for Mansfield ISD t-shirt promotion/fundraiser. We’re selling Go Red t-shirts for $15. (Proceeds benefiting the AHA.)

Staff members are invited to wear these shirts along with jeans on Mondays in February for American Heart Month.

Get the AHA Go Red for Mansfield ISD t-shirt order form flyer.

Each campus and department has an assigned collection person to receive the forms and cash/checks. The deadline for ordering the t-shirts is Friday, January 14, 2011.

Principals' Fitness Challenge 2 Winner

Congratulations to principal Elizabeth Hostin and her staff from Martha Reid Elementary for winning the second challenge in the Methodist Mansfield Medical Center's Principals' Fitness Challenge.

Challenge 2 was entitled, Rethink your drink . . . Reduce your soda intake

Hostin and the school's staff successfully completed Challenge Two by replacing their sodas with unsweetened tea and implementing an iced water hydration station donated by the schools' PTA. Encouragement also came from Mary Costa, Martha Reid Elementary School's health mentor (she just completed her first Ironman®), who motivated everyone to get moving.

From the challenge: "Regular soda adds empty calories. Some research also indicates that drinks with artificial sweeteners (i.e. diet soda) may increase cravings and lead to higher daily calorie intake.

Instead of sugary drinks and diet soda, try water every day and add a slice of lemon or lime, or even fresh mint to your water for a boost of flavor. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger and could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80 percent of sufferers. Lack of water is the number one trigger of daytime fatigue. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily will hydrate your body. Thirst is sometimes mistaken as hunger!"

Check out the challenges as they're posted and get some additional tips for healthy living.

Education Foundation Spring Grants Deadline January 14

Just a quick reminder that the MISD Education Foundation Spring Grant appliaction deadline is Friday, January 14, 2011. Get more information from the Foundation. Get the Spring Grant Application (PDF).

Special Grants:

Think Big Grant - $10,000
Awarded in fall and spring
All subject areas and all grade levels can apply
Must be submitted by at least a grade level/dept. or above

Battle of the Nines Grant - $5,000
This grant is focused on community service
Must be submitted by at least a grade level/dept. or above
Awarded each spring

Mansfield Sunrise Rotary Grant - $5,000
This grant is focused on special needs
Must be submitted by at least a grade level/dept. or above
Awarded in spring

Meredith Hatch Memorial Grant  -$5,000
This grant is focused on elementary physical education
Must impact entire school
Awarded in spring

Chesapeake Energy Math & Science Grant  -$5,000
All grade levels can apply
Awarded once a year – fall or spring
Must be submitted by at least a grade level/dept. or above

Principals' Fitness Challenge 1 Winner

Congratulations to principal Scott Shafer from Brooks Wester Middle School for winning the first challenge in the Methodist Mansfield Medical Center's Principals' Fitness Challenge.

Challenge 1 was entitled, Walking for better health . . . Walk 10,000 steps everyday.

Shafer is a former athletic trainer and is known for his competitive spirit. He won the challenge by motivating his teachers to walk the minimum amount of steps. If they walked the minimum they could wear jeans for week. His strategy worked and all 66 teachers walked the minimum amount of steps.

Check out the challenges as they're posted and get some additional tips for healthy living.